Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cold winter walks

It has been really clear, beautiful and cold out for that past week.  When I say cold I am meaning single digits.  Too cold for my little doggie's feet outside so to say the least we haven't been going on walks lately.  Today it warmed up to around 20 degrees which compared to the last few days felt somewhat warm.  So, Jack and I went for a walk on the maze called Dredge Lake Trail.  Its just a grouping of trails that all connect to each other and explore to Mendenhall wetlands.  There are various lakes and streams back there, its beautiful.  I brought my camera in hopes of getting some great pictures but we went too late and had some lame light to work with.  Here are the best of what I was able to get.  

Can you believe someone would litter this beautiful place with chocolate wrappers...the shame

frozen hair


Mandy said...

Gorgeous pictures! I wish we had more snow here...

An Alaskan Gypsy said...

My fav is the last one ,,,,,,
no, wait ,,,, the first one ,,,,,
no, no, wait ,,,,, the sixth one ,,
ummmm ,,,,,,,, no, sorry 8( ,,,,,
wait ,,,, the ninth, no, the third ,, no , dang-it ,,,,,,
Love ya, Dad

An Alaskan Gypsy said...

My little tractor and I agree with Mandy, MORE SNOW. 8)

Lauren said...

Lovely photos!I came across your blog through Danielle's tattoo tuesday! LOvely tattoos! :) A very Happy Christmas to you and every blessing as you prepare to be a mumma! x

rachelinaustin said...

I live in Austin, Texas and never see such BEAUTIFUL snow!... And I just love that adorable dog sweater.