Sunday, January 22, 2012


 Ruby's birthday celebration was fun though I didn't give myself enough time to prepare the food I was serving.  The first half of her party I was in the kitchen stuffing and rolling fresh rolls.  At least they turned out delicious.
 I made her a little crown out of an empty toilet paper roll and felt then glued a clip on the bottom of it.  Surprisingly she didn't obsess over taking it out of her hair too much.
 In stead of making her a sugary cake I made her some delicious blueberry muffins.
 We printed out a giant Ruby face and taped them to sticks for everyone.  Ruby thought they were pretty awesome!

 she loved that muffin


Erin Alaska said...

it was such a great little party...and the snacks were delicious, as usual! :))

Joy Bells said...

OMG!!! the pic with everyone at the party with her face is sooo awesome! Good Job mommy! what a rad party!

Dan said...

Oh Ruby... you ol'e fart